Sarcastic and Not-cool Replies to “You’re My Best Friend”

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We’ve all had those moments when someone claims we’re their best friend, but something about it feels inauthentic. It could be the timing, their actions, or just a gut feeling. It’s awkward, especially when you don’t feel the same way.

So, what do you say when someone lays it on thick about your supposed best friendship? Do you play along or be blunt?

These replies are for those times when you sense someone is manipulating, faking, or forcing a connection that isn’t there.

Sarcastic Responses

1. “Well, someone has to be your best friend… I guess I’ll take the title.”
– You’re sarcastically implying that you’re doing them a favor by accepting their friendship, as if they couldn’t find anyone else.

2. “I would say the same, but I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
– This response jokingly suggests that declaring best friendship is too intense and might jinx your good thing.

3. “Best friend, huh? I guess that means I have to help you move now.”
– You’re sarcastically implying that the only benefit of being someone’s best friend is the free labor you can get from them.

4. “Well, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be stuck with.”
– This line sarcastically suggests that your friendship is more like a burden or an obligation.

5. “Finally, someone to blame when things go wrong in my life!”
– Sarcasm is used here to joke about the idea that a best friend is a convenient scapegoat for life’s problems.

6. “I knew there was a reason I kept you around!”
– You’re sarcastically implying that their declaration has finally given you a valid reason to maintain the friendship.

7. “I guess we’re best friends now… until I find someone better.”
– This sarcastic quip jokingly suggests that you’re still on the lookout for a better best friend.

8. “Thanks, I guess I’ll have to tolerate you now.”
– This response sarcastically implies that their declaration has now obligated you to stick by their side.

9. “You have my permission to friend-zone me.”
– Sarcasm is used here to joke about the idea of being ‘friend-zoned,’ implying that you’re resigned to a platonic relationship.

10. “Well, I was going to get a dog, but I guess having a best friend is cheaper.”
– This sarcastic line compares the companionship of a best friend to that of a pet.

11. “I knew there was a reason I kept you on speed dial!”
– You’re jokingly implying that their declaration has finally justified their prominent position in your contacts list.

12. “Now I have someone to finish my leftovers.”
– This sarcastic response treats the role of a best friend as a convenient way to reduce food waste.

13. “I guess that means I’m your plus-one for all the boring events.”
– You’re sarcastically implying that one of the perks of being a best friend is attending boring events together.

14. “Well, I can’t say I agree, but I’ll take the compliment.”
– This sarcastic line dismisses their declaration but accepts the compliment begrudgingly.

15. “I’ll be your best friend as long as you don’t make me share my food.”
– Sarcasm is used here to joke about the idea of sharing, implying that you’re not willing to go that far.

Not-Cool Responses

1. “Oh, the feelings are not mutual.”
– A direct and blunt rejection of their sentiment, this response could be hurtful and embarrassing.

2. “I mean, we’re friends, but I have other closer friends, to be honest.”
– This response downplays the importance of your relationship and could make them feel like a low priority.

3. “Why are you putting me in this awkward position?
– Shifting the focus to your own discomfort, this response fails to acknowledge their vulnerability.

4. “Can we just keep our relationship casual and not put labels on it?”
– Treating best friendship like a casual fling, this response could confuse and hurt them.

5. “I thought we were just friends with benefits… I mean, study buddies.”
– This response confuses the term and could make them feel like your friendship is transactional.

6. “I’m honored, but can we not make this public?”
– While setting boundaries is important, this response could make them feel ashamed of their feelings.

7. “I’m not sure how to respond to that… can we change the subject?”
– Ignoring their vulnerability, this response could make them feel invalidated.

8. “Oh, I thought we were just friends.”
– This response downplays the intensity of their feelings and could make them feel misunderstood.

9. “Yeah, I guess so. I don’t really think about it that much.”
– Dismissing their sentiment, this response could make them feel like your friendship isn’t valuable to you.

10. “That’s nice, but I don’t really do labels.”
– This response rejects the idea of labeling your relationship, potentially making them feel like you’re rejecting them.

11. “I’m flattered, but I don’t want things to get too serious.”
– This response creates distance and could make them feel like you’re not willing to reciprocate emotionally.

12. “I’m not sure I can commit to that.”
– Treating best friendship like a commitment they’re unsure about could make them feel insecure.

13. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.”
– This response puts a brake on their enthusiasm, potentially making them feel like you’re holding back.

14. “I’m honored, but can we pretend you didn’t say that?”
– While this acknowledges their compliment, it also dismisses their feelings, making them feel embarrassed.

15. “I’m not really a people person, so let’s not get too close.”
– This response creates emotional distance and could make them feel like you’re pushing them away.