I remember when I first asked my wife out for a coffee. We had met a few times through mutual friends, and I figured coffee was a safe, casual way …
Category: Relationship

Best Replies to “Are You Flirting With Me?”
Today I will cover a question that can make even the smoothest talker stumble: “Are you flirting with me?“ Funny story – my wife actually asked me this exact question …

18 Replies to “You’ve Changed” by Your Partner
The person you are today is unlikely to be exactly the same as the person you were a year ago or the one you’ll be a year from now. It …

20 Best Replies to You’re My Favorite Person
“You’re my favorite person.” Those four simple words can fill you with warmth, excitement, and maybe even a little bit of nervousness. Whether it’s a close friend, romantic partner, family …

Sarcastic and Savage Replies to “Are You Seeing Anyone” Question?
We’ve all been there – you’re at a family gathering, or maybe just catching up with a friend, when someone asks the dreaded question: “Are you seeing anyone?” For some, …

Flirty and Naughty Ways to Respond When She Calls You “Daddy” or “Papi”
When a woman calls a man ‘daddy’ or ‘papi’, it is often used as a term of endearment or in a flirtatious/sexual context within a romantic relationship. However, some find …

43 Witty Responses to “Are You Dating Anyone?”
We’ve all been asked the dreaded “Are you dating anyone?” question at some point. Whether it’s from a well-meaning relative, a nosy coworker, or a friend trying to play matchmaker, …

How to Respond When a Guy Says “You’re Sweet”
Have you ever been caught off guard when a guy calls you “sweet”? It’s a compliment that can make your heart flutter, but it can also leave you feeling tongue-tied. …

40 Cute and Flirty Replies to “You Make Me Smile” Message
Feeling attracted to someone is an unforgettable experience. When this person suddenly tells you, “You make me smile,” it’s a clear sign your sense of humor and personality are winning …

45 Flirty and Funny Replies to “You’re Hot” Comment
As a seasoned social butterfly, I’ve often found myself on the receiving end of the comment, “You’re hot.” While it’s always lovely to receive such compliments, coming up with witty …

Flirty, Cute and Polite Replies to a “Thank You” from a Crush
Relationships have their own unique dynamics and one such dynamic is communication – the words we say and how we say them. Whether you’re speaking to a loved one, a …

50 Supportive Texts to Send when Partner is Having a Bad Day
In the ebb and flow of life, we all experience days when nothing seems to go right. As a caring partner, witnessing your significant other going through such challenging moments …