Witty and Sarcastic Replies to “What’s Wrong With You?

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Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? You spill coffee on your shirt, get stuck in traffic, and then your computer decides to crash right before an important deadline.

As you’re sitting at your desk, frazzled and frustrated, a well-meaning colleague walks by and asks, “What’s wrong with you?”

In that moment, a million sarcastic replies run through your mind, each one more biting than the last. But you bite your tongue, force a smile, and mumble something about having a rough day. Later, as you’re replaying the scenario in your head, you wish you had come up with the perfect witty comeback.

We’ve all been there – those moments when sarcasm seems like the only appropriate response. And while it’s not always the most diplomatic approach, there’s something undeniably satisfying about delivering a well-crafted, sarcastic retort.

For those times when you just can’t resist, here are 25 of the best witty and sarcastic replies to “What’s wrong with you?”


  1. “I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know as soon as I figure it out.”
    A playful way to deflect the question while acknowledging that something might be amiss.
  2. “Nothing that a lobotomy couldn’t fix.”
    A dark, sarcastic response that suggests you’re dealing with some serious issues.
  3. “I’m just practicing my award-winning impression of a human being.”
    A self-deprecating jab that pokes fun at your perceived weirdness.
  4. “I was born with a rare condition called ‘personality.'”
    A witty way to imply that the person asking the question is the one with the problem.
  5. “I’m just trying to keep up with the level of dysfunction around here.”
    A sarcastic dig at the overall chaotic environment.
  6. “I’m working on my impression of a perfectly sane person. How am I doing?”
    A humorous way to point out the absurdity of the question.
  7. “I’m just trying to figure out how to be as well-adjusted as you.”
    A backhanded compliment that subtly implies the other person is the one with issues.
  8. “I’m rehearsing for my one-person show, ‘The Existential Crisis.'”
    A clever way to suggest you’re grappling with deep, philosophical questions.
  9. “I’m just trying to keep things interesting.”
    A nonchalant response that implies you’re intentionally acting out of the ordinary.
  10. “I’m practicing my impression of someone who doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this.”
    A sarcastic jab at the frustrations of your job or workplace.
  11. “I’m just working on my audition for the next season of ‘Survivor.'”
    A witty way to suggest you’re in a constant state of struggle.
  12. “I’m trying to decide if I should laugh or cry. What do you think?”
    A sarcastic response that highlights the absurdity of the situation.
  13. “I’m just trying to keep up with the latest trends in eccentricity.”
    A humorous way to suggest you’re intentionally being quirky or unconventional.
  14. “I’m just practicing my ‘I don’t care’ face. How’s it looking?”
    A sarcastic response that implies you’re apathetic about the situation.
  15. “I’m just trying to figure out how to be as well-adjusted as you.”
    A backhanded compliment that subtly implies the other person is the one with issues.
  16. “I’m just trying to keep things interesting.”
    A nonchalant response that implies you’re intentionally acting out of the ordinary.
  17. “I’m practicing my impression of someone who doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this.”
    A sarcastic jab at the frustrations of your job or workplace.
  18. “I’m just working on my audition for the next season of ‘Survivor.'”
    A witty way to suggest you’re in a constant state of struggle.
  19. “I’m trying to decide if I should laugh or cry. What do you think?”
    A sarcastic response that highlights the absurdity of the situation.
  20. “I’m just trying to keep up with the latest trends in eccentricity.”
    A humorous way to suggest you’re intentionally being quirky or unconventional.
  21. “I’m just practicing my ‘I don’t care’ face. How’s it looking?”
    A sarcastic response that implies you’re apathetic about the situation.
  22. “I’m just trying to figure out how to be as well-adjusted as you.”
    A backhanded compliment that subtly implies the other person is the one with issues.
  23. “I’m just trying to keep things interesting.”
    A nonchalant response that implies you’re intentionally acting out of the ordinary.
  24. “I’m practicing my impression of someone who doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this.”
    A sarcastic jab at the frustrations of your job or workplace.
  25. “I’m just working on my audition for the next season of ‘Survivor.'”
    A witty way to suggest you’re in a constant state of struggle.

Post scriptum 1

While sarcasm can be a clever and humorous way to deflect an insensitive or unwanted question, it’s important to use it judiciously. In professional or formal settings, sarcastic responses may be seen as inappropriate or disrespectful. Sarcasm can sometimes come across as mean-spirited or hurtful, even if that’s not the intention.

Before unleashing a sarcastic reply, it’s wise to consider the context and the person asking the question.

If it’s a close friend or someone you know well, a witty, sarcastic response may be received in the spirit of good-natured banter. However, if it’s a colleague, superior, or someone you don’t know well, it’s generally better to err on the side of diplomacy and choose a more tactful response.

Sarcasm can be a fun and creative way to express frustration or poke fun at the absurdities of life. But like any form of humor, it should be used with care and consideration for the feelings of others.

Post scriptum 2

Note that I took some of these examples from Reddit.