25 Witty and Funny Replies to “Lmao” in Messages

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We’ve all seen it before—those four simple letters: **LMAO**. It stands for “Laughing My A** Off,” and it’s been thrown around since the early days of the internet, probably as far back as the late ’90s.

Although I am more “LOL” guy, I must admit, “LMAO” has become a quick, universal way to respond to something funny. But what do you say when someone hits you with an “LMAO”?

It can range from clever comebacks to outrageous reply… Unfortunately, I lacked inspiration to do this better so I might come back later and update this article with better choices.

Clever comebacks

Sometimes, the best response is something sharp and quick-witted. These clever replies play on the literal meaning of “LMAO,” and are bound to make the conversation even funnier.

1. “Don’t lose your a** now!”
– A playful reminder to hold on to what’s left!

2. “Glad I could help with the cardio!”
– Because laughing burns calories, right?

3. “I didn’t know you were that flexible!”
– Adds a bit of sarcasm by imagining the literal loss of one’s rear end.

4. “Now put it back on, we’ve got things to do.”
– Funny but practical—who has time to lose a body part?

5. “Mission accomplished, then!”
– Sometimes, all you need is to take credit for the laughs.

Sarcastic and dry humor

For those times when you want to keep the humor dry and deadpan, these sarcastic replies are perfect for injecting a little bite into the conversation.

6. “You don’t sound like you’re laughing.”
– Challenge them on whether they’re actually laughing or just typing it.

7. “Sure you are. Seems totally legit.”
– This reply adds a touch of playful doubt to their enthusiasm.

8. “I’ll believe it when I hear the actual laughter.”
– Calling them out in a lighthearted way—where’s the real proof?

9. “I bet that laugh is dead silent.”
– Perfect for those texting “LMAO” without a peep.

10. “Was that a sarcastic LMAO, or…?”
– When you suspect that their “LMAO” might not be 100% genuine.

Playful and teasing responses

Want to keep the conversation light and playful? These replies tease the other person in a way that keeps the laughs rolling.

11. “That laugh better be as loud as it looks!”
– Calls them out on the intensity of their “LMAO.”

12. “Don’t hurt yourself laughing too hard.”
– A playful warning—because we wouldn’t want any accidents!

13. “Wow, LMAO already? I’m just getting started!”
– This sets the stage for even more humor to come.

14. “You say LMAO, but do you *feel* LMAO?”
– A little philosophical twist, just for fun.

15. “I’m going for ROFL next. Let’s aim high!”
– Push the limits and suggest you’re aiming to make them “roll on the floor laughing” next.

Self-deprecating humor

Self-deprecating humor is always a good way to keep things light. These replies poke fun at yourself while keeping the conversation fun and engaging.

16. “I’m here all week, folks!”
– Classic stand-up comedian vibes, like you’re on stage giving your best material.

17. “I peaked with that one, didn’t I?”
– A tongue-in-cheek way to say you might not be able to top that joke.

18. “If that made you LMAO, you must have low standards.”
– Make fun of yourself for making them laugh.

19. “Glad my pain is your entertainment.”
– Sometimes your misfortunes are the best comedy material.

20. “LMAO? Wow, I didn’t even try that hard.”
– Suggests that you’re not even putting in full effort, but it’s still hilarious.

Outrageous and over-the-top replies

For those moments when you want to go big and dramatic, these replies are outrageous and make a big deal out of the joke. They’re perfect for when you want to play up your comedic “genius.”

21. “LMAO? I was going for ‘I can’t breathe!’”
– Set your sights higher, aiming for even more dramatic reactions.

22. “Hold on, let me write that one down for my comedy tour.”
– Pretend like you’re gearing up for stand-up comedy greatness.

23. “Please hold while I inform the comedy gods of my greatness.”
– Take the humor to mythical levels.

24. “And the award for Best Comedian goes to… Me!”
– Play it up like you’ve just won a prestigious award for that joke.

25. “Thank you, thank you, no autographs, please.”
– The humble-brag response, like you’re a comedy rockstar.

What else to say

And there you have it—25 witty, sarcastic, playful, and over-the-top replies to throw back when someone hits you with “LMAO.”

The next time you’re faced with that classic internet abbreviation, you won’t have to settle for letting the conversation fizzle out.

Instead, you can keep it going, make them laugh even harder, and maybe even get them to upgrade to a “ROFL.”

After all, humor is the best way to keep any conversation lively and fun.

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