20 Best Replies When a Coworker Says “I Miss You”

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When a coworker says “I miss you,” it can stir up different feelings depending on our relationship. If we’re good friends and enjoy working together, it might make me feel appreciated and valued, like they genuinely notice my absence and look forward to our interactions. It’s nice to know that the time we spend together at work matters to them.

If you’re a strong performer at work, your absence can be felt by your coworkers. If a colleague says they miss you, it could be a real compliment to your skills and contributions to the team.

I know that when I’ve worked on projects with talented, reliable people, I really come to depend on their input and expertise. If they’re out of the office or assigned to a different project, it’s natural for me to miss collaborating with them and having their valuable perspective. It’s not just about missing their company on a personal level, but also recognizing how much smoother things go when we’re working together.

On the other hand, if a coworker I don’t know very well or don’t particularly get along with says they miss me, it can be a bit confusing or even uncomfortable. I might wonder if they’re just trying to be friendly, or if there’s something more behind their comment. In those cases, I try not to read too much into it, but if it becomes a pattern or feels inappropriate, I know I can always talk to a supervisor or HR to get some guidance.

There’s also the possibility that a coworker saying “I miss you” could be a sign of romantic interest, but I think it’s crucial to keep things professional at work. Getting involved with someone you work with can get complicated quickly, so I would be cautious about interpreting comments like that as anything more than friendly.

I think the best approach is to trust your instincts and consider the context. If a coworker’s “I miss you” feels genuine and appropriate, it can be a nice reminder that you’re a valued member of the team. But if something doesn’t sit right, don’t be afraid to set boundaries or speak up. The most important thing is to feel comfortable and respected in your work environment.

I prepared 10 best replies for each scenario.

Professional and polite replies

  1. “Aw, I miss you too! Can’t wait to catch up.”
  2. “That means a lot. I’ve been thinking about our team a lot lately.”
  3. “You just made my day! I’m excited to get back to work with you.”
  4. “I’m so touched. Our working relationship means so much to me.”
  5. “Coming from you, that’s a huge compliment. Thanks for being an amazing colleague.”
  6. “I feel the exact same way. Let’s grab coffee and chat soon!”
  7. “Your message just brightened my whole week. I’m lucky to work with you.”
  8. “It’s great to be missed! I can’t wait to collaborate with you again.”
  9. “Thanks for being so thoughtful. I’m really looking forward to tackling our next project together.”
  10. “I’m grateful to have a coworker like you. Our team is so special.”

Romantic and flirty replies

  1. “I miss you more. Let’s do something about that after work.”
  2. “Your smile is all I can think about today.”
  3. “Want to sneak away for a little adventure together?”
  4. “Maybe you can show me how much you miss me later…”
  5. “Coffee date so I can gaze into your beautiful eyes?”
  6. “Great minds miss each other, don’t they?”
  7. “I’m counting down the minutes until our long lunch together.”
  8. “We need to discuss how much I miss you in private…”
  9. “Wine night at my place to continue this conversation?”
  10. “You’re going to be responsible for my distraction later…”

Ice-cold replies

  1. “I’m flattered, but let’s keep things professional at work.”
  2. “Thanks, but I think it’s best we maintain boundaries as colleagues.”
  3. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t feel the same way.”
  4. “Missing me? I’ve been right here focused on my work.”
  5. “That’s nice, but we should really concentrate on the project.”
  6. “I’m not comfortable with that kind of personal comment at the office.”
  7. “Let’s save the ‘missing each other’ talk for outside work hours.”
  8. “I think you may have misread our working relationship.”
  9. “I’d prefer if we kept our conversations work-related.”
  10. “I miss the times when we didn’t have these awkward exchanges.”