Best Replies to “Are You Flirting With Me?”

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Today I will cover a question that can make even the smoothest talker stumble: “Are you flirting with me?

Funny story – my wife actually asked me this exact question the other day while I was writing this article. I replied, “Tanya, I’ve been flirting with you for the past 15 years. You finally noticed!” Let’s just say, the eye roll I got in response was epic.

But seriously, whether you’re actually flirting or just being friendly, this question can catch you off guard. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 30 responses to help you navigate this potentially awkward situation with grace, humor, or a bit of both.

Now, I’ll be honest – some of these replies might seem a bit cliché. But here’s the thing: clichés become clichés because they work. It’s all about the delivery, folks!

I’ve split these responses into two categories: replies for when you are flirting (because sometimes, you just need to own it), and replies for when you’re not (because, let’s face it, sometimes being nice gets misinterpreted).

When you are flirting

1. “Is it that obvious?”
Explanation: Playfully admits to flirting while maintaining a touch of mystery.

2. “I thought I was being subtle.”
Explanation: Acknowledges the flirting with a hint of self-deprecating humor.

3. “Only if it’s working.”
Explanation: Clever response that puts the ball in their court.

4. “I’m just warming up.”
Explanation: Suggests that the flirting might intensify, building anticipation.

5. “What gave me away?”
Explanation: Invites them to engage more deeply in the flirtatious conversation.

6. “I prefer to call it ‘engaging in witty banter’.”
Explanation: Reframes flirting as something more sophisticated.

7. “You caught me. What’s my punishment?”
Explanation: Playfully admits to flirting while inviting further interaction.

8. “I’m just being my charming self. Is it too much?”
Explanation: Confidently owns the flirtatious behavior while checking their comfort level.

9. “Maybe. Are you enjoying it?”
Explanation: Admits to flirting while gauging their interest.

10. “I thought we were having a normal conversation. My charm must be on autopilot.”
Explanation: Humorously suggests that flirting comes naturally.

11. “Guilty as charged. How should we proceed?”
Explanation: Admits to flirting and invites them to take the lead.

12. “I’m just trying to make a good impression. Is it working?”
Explanation: Frames the flirting as an attempt to impress them.

13. “I save my best flirting for special people.”
Explanation: Implies that they are special and worth flirting with.

14. “I can’t help it when I’m around someone so attractive.”
Explanation: Compliments them while explaining the flirtatious behavior.

15. “Consider it a preview of what’s to come.”
Explanation: Suggests potential for more flirting or romantic interaction in the future.

When you’re not flirting

1. “Oh, this is just my friendly personality.”
Explanation: Clarifies that your behavior is not intentional flirting.

2. “Nope, just being my usual charming self.”
Explanation: Suggests that your behavior is normal for you and not specific flirting.

3. “I’m this nice to everyone. Don’t feel too special.”
Explanation: Humorously clarifies that your behavior isn’t unique to them.

4. “Flirting? I thought we were having a normal conversation!”
Explanation: Expresses surprise at the interpretation of your behavior.

5. “Sorry if it came across that way. I’m just being friendly.”
Explanation: Apologizes for any misunderstanding while clarifying your intentions.

6. “Not at all. This is just how I talk to my friends.”
Explanation: Establishes that you see them as a friend, not a romantic interest.

7. “Flirting requires effort. This is me on autopilot.”
Explanation: Humorously suggests that actual flirting would be more noticeable.

8. “No, but I’m flattered you thought so!”
Explanation: Turns the situation into a compliment without encouraging further misinterpretation.

9. “I save my flirting for dates. This is just me being social.”
Explanation: Clearly separates your current behavior from actual flirting.

10. “Trust me, you’d know if I was flirting.”
Explanation: Implies that your actual flirting would be more obvious.

11. “Nah, just practicing my people skills.”
Explanation: Frames the interaction as a social exercise rather than flirting.

12. “I’m not flirting, I’m networking. Want to connect on LinkedIn?”
Explanation: Humorously reframes the interaction as professional networking.

13. “No flirting here, just spreading good vibes!”
Explanation: Presents your behavior as general positivity rather than specific interest.

14. “Flirting? In this economy?”
Explanation: Uses humor to deflect and imply that flirting isn’t a priority.

15. “Not flirting, just fulfilling my daily quota of human interaction.”
Explanation: Humorously suggests that you’re just being social out of necessity.