Polite and Flirty Responses to ‘You Look Good Today!’ from Your Colleagues

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Of all of the questions we got in an email this one was, one of the easiest to write up. It’s so easy to be polite, especially to your coworkers and work colleagues. Basically, all of these answers and replies are kind of similar it’s just a personal taste which one you will pick. One of these lines must be you.

Polite Replies to ‘You Look Good Today!’ from Your Colleagues

  1. “Thank you so much! That’s very kind of you to say.”
  2. “I appreciate the compliment. It’s always nice to hear something positive.”
  3. “Thanks! I’m feeling pretty good today, and it’s great to know it shows.”
  4. “That’s so sweet of you to notice. Thank you for brightening my day!”
  5. “I’m flattered. It means a lot coming from someone as stylish as you.”
  6. “Thank you! I put in a little extra effort this morning, and I’m glad it paid off.”
  7. “You just made my day with that compliment. Thanks for being so thoughtful!”
  8. “I really appreciate you taking the time to say something so nice. Thank you.”
  9. “Thanks! I guess I’m having a good hair/outfit day. It’s always a bonus when someone notices.”
  10. “That’s incredibly kind of you. I’m lucky to have such supportive colleagues.”
  11. “Thank you for the compliment. It’s a pleasure to work with people who spread positivity.”
  12. “I’m touched by your words. It’s great to be part of such an uplifting work environment.”
  13. “Thanks! Your compliment just gave me an extra boost of confidence for the day.”
  14. “I’m grateful for your kind words. It’s wonderful to have colleagues who lift each other up.”
  15. “Thank you! Your compliment is a reminder of why I enjoy working with this team so much.”
  16. “Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words.”
  17. “That’s so nice of you to say, thank you!”
  18. “What a lovely compliment, thank you!”
  19. “I’m feeling good today, and your compliment just made it even better. Thanks!”
  20. “You’re too kind, thank you for noticing.”
  21. “I’m glad I could brighten your day a little bit with my look. Thank you!”
  22. “Thank you, I try my best to look presentable every day.”
  23. “Your compliment just made my day, thank you so much!”
  24. “I must say, I do feel pretty good today. Thank you for noticing.”
  25. “Thank you, it’s always nice to hear positive feedback from coworkers.”
  26. “You have a great eye for style, thank you for the compliment.”
  27. “I’m just trying to look as good as you do every day. Thanks for the compliment!”
  28. “I’m flattered, thank you for your kind words.”
  29. “It’s always great to start the day with a compliment, thank you!”
  30. “I’m glad you think so, thank you for taking the time to say something nice.”

When you use any of these you will:

  • Foster positive relationships: politeness builds rapport and trust among coworkers, contributing to a harmonious and enjoyable work environment.
  • Enhance team collaboration: being polite encourages open communication and cooperation, leading to better teamwork and productivity.
  • Promote professionalism: politeness reflects professionalism, which can positively influence your reputation and career advancement opportunities within the organization.
  • Minimize conflict: politeness helps to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts by promoting respectful interactions and effective conflict resolution strategies.
  • Boost morale: a polite workplace culture cultivates a supportive atmosphere where individuals feel valued and appreciated, ultimately boosting morale and job satisfaction.

Flirty Replies When Coworker Say ‘You Look Good Today!’

Do note that if you wish you can be flirty. Most people agree that being flirty with colleagues is inappropriate, but if you like someone, work should not be in the way of your future love.

  1. “Thanks! I was hoping to catch your eye today.”
  2. “Well, I must say, you’re looking quite stunning yourself!”
  3. “I guess we’re both having a good day in the looks department. Must be something in the air.”
  4. “Thank you! I wore this outfit with you in mind.”
  5. “I appreciate the compliment, especially coming from someone as attractive as you.”
  6. “Thanks! I think we make quite the good-looking pair, don’t you?”
  7. “If I look half as good as you do today, I must be doing something right.”
  8. “I’m glad my efforts to impress you are paying off. You’ve certainly caught my attention too.”
  9. “Thank you! I always try to look my best when I know I’ll be seeing you.”
  10. “Right back at you, gorgeous. You never fail to make my heart skip a beat.”
  11. “I guess great minds think alike when it comes to fashion and attractiveness, huh?”
  12. “Thanks! I’d love to return the compliment over dinner sometime if you’re interested.”
  13. “I must be doing something right to earn a compliment from the office heartthrob.”
  14. “Thank you! I think we should start every day by exchanging compliments. What do you say?”
  15. “I appreciate the kind words. Perhaps we could continue this conversation over drinks after work?”
  16. “Well, if you keep looking at me like that, I might have to start dressing up every day just for you.”
  17. “Why thank you, I must say you’re looking pretty good yourself today.”
  18. “I’m glad you noticed, I put a little extra effort into my appearance today just for you.”
  19. “I’m always happy to give you something nice to look at.”
  20. “I’m blushing! Thank you for noticing, you always know just what to say.”
  21. “I’m glad I caught your eye today. Maybe we can grab coffee sometime and I can impress you even more.”
  22. “I’m glad you think so, but trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
  23. “Well, if you keep giving me compliments like that, I might just have to start flirting back.”
  24. “I’m glad you approve. Maybe I’ll have to start asking for your fashion advice more often.”
  25. “I’m happy to hear that. I was hoping to catch your attention today.”
  26. “Well, I’m glad I could make your day a little brighter. Maybe we can make each other’s days brighter more often.”
  27. “I’m always happy to hear a compliment from someone as attractive as you.”
  28. “I’m glad you noticed. I was hoping to turn a few heads today.”
  29. “I’m flattered, thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”
  30. “I’m glad you like what you see. Maybe we can arrange a private fashion show sometime.

Remember, while these replies are flirty, some companies insist on maintaining professionalism in the workplace and ensuring that your interactions are appropriate and respectful.