30 Comebacks for Unwanted Opinions from Family

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In a world where diversity of thought co-exists, contrasting opinions form an inevitable part of human social interaction. It’s inevitable that unsought advice, or ‘help-speech’, as it is appropriately called by communication scholars, may often surface at family gatherings.

Yet as much as these instances may seem frustrating, it’s intriguing to contemplate why these spring up in first place and how to best navigate through them.

This blogpots unfolds ways and tactics to deal with this phenomenon while also providing droll comebacks to lighten the scenario.

So why do people tend to give unsolicited opinions? From a psychological perspective, assorted reasons contribute to this. Some do it out of concern, genuinely attempting to guide or lend hand while some do it from a place of superiority – the feeling that they “know better”.

In some instances, it may be routed in insecurity by way of reassuring their own decisions in life. On the other hand, for some it might be just a conversational habit or civic impulse devoid of any ‘real intention’.

Each communicator has different drivers and the primary step before adopting any countered approach, is understanding the ‘real why’.

Whether this transition persists casually or due to deep-set emotional habits; the real question is– how to wisely parry these? And so begins a chase after 30 quirky comebacks that aim for dealing with the imposed, spirited dialogue energy upto limits of politesse!

List of posible combeacks to unsought advices

1. “I respect your opinion, but I’ll do it my way.”

This statement asserts your individuality and politely declines the unwanted opinion.

2. “I guess we view things differently.”

This acknowledgement emphasizes that difference in opinions can exist.

3. “Thanks for advice but, I’ve got this under control.”

This comeback builds a polite boundary yet indicates trust in oneself.

4. “That may work for you, but it’s not for me.”

This responds accepts uniqueness in everyone’s approach.

5. “I appreciate your perspective but I feel different.”

This affirms the respect for a difference in perspectives.

6. “Were you trying to help or just critiquize?”

This comeback query boldly questions ones’ intention.

7. “That might be one approach, I have another.”

This thoughtful response indicates confidence in your own way.

8. “Thanks, but let’s change the topic now.”

This diversion tactic tames any potentially escalating tensions.

9. “Interesting but irrelevant.”

Clear yet powerful rebut to emphasise irrelevance of an idea to you.

10. “Interesting advice. I saved it in a drawer with others.”

Comedic way to play down the unsolicited advice.

11. “If I needed a suggestion, you’d be the first one I’d approach.”

It showcases politeness while indicating a preference of independence.

12. “I was doing excellent before that sliver of wisdom.”

Light-hearted sarcasm encapsulated to seize further disruptions.

13. “I appreciate the thought, but it doesn’t appeal to me.”

Diplomatic way of saying ‘no’ without hurting someone.

14. “If only I had asked for that insight!”

Slight badinage deflects the advice coming your way.

15.“A bold expression of beliefs; happy we aren’t afraid of differences.”

This response neutralizes any conflicting debate ground with complimenting remark.

16. “Considered but We all don’t live the same.”

Giving an acknowledgement while emphasizing our differing take on life.

17. “Innovation stems from unique opinions, not shared ones.”

Indicative of acceptance of diversity in opinions.

18. “Life’s pretty good doing things my way.”

Assured statement retorting against forceful imposition.

19. “No one lives a successful life following others all the time.”

Diplomatic emphasis on the principle of living independently.

20. “I’ve got this life thing kinda sorted out, but thanks.”

This shows a comfortable contentment in your current lifestyle and views.

21. “Don’t fix what’s not broken.”

Suggests refusal for not messing with your ‘already working fine’ principles.’

22. “Correct advice at wrong place and wrong time!”

Your wittiness layers a polite disagreement over the advice given.

23. “You offer input like it pays rent on your tongue.”

Dark humor element invocation that overlays the need for advice halt.

24. “The long journey of my sailed days doesn’t really seek a sailors tale now.”

Referrance to unnecessary advice in relation to the age or marital status.

25. “File inputs are full today, Can’t store yours right now!”

A funny, light-hearted way of indicating ‘overdose’ of advice without appearing too stark.

26. “I’m living wholly and solely for myself mom.”

An open nudge hinting towards your independent way of life.

27. “Wise words but misfit substance issue!”

Direct inclination to adviser about your differing lifestyle pattern and preferences.

28.“Lucent ideas! My steel jail frame isn’t designed for them though!”

Statement incorporates friendly satire for worsening consistent attempts towards moulding you in certain mold.

29.“Ideas? Not doing Idea person shopping for now!“

A.NO load sign for an excess baggage of family ideas.

30.“Life instruction storage alert! Wohaa… what a time..!”

Real sophisticated way of purporting stored life instructions full tag.


Understanding unwanted advice from family can be a bit tricky, but it isn’t impossible to handle. The comebacks we discussed aim to help us keep our family conversations fun, light and respectful. However, it’s crucial to remember that engaging with these unwanted opinions should be done carefully. Those who dish out unsolicited advice might have good intentions, believe in their wisdom or they might genuinely worry about you.

Reacting immediately or sarcastically might cause more harm than good, leading to hurt feelings or damaging our relationships with loved ones. It’s always a good idea to think before responding– simply thanking them for their advice or respectfully declining can do wonders compared to wittily snappy answers that might offend someone.

Tone down the sarcastic comebacks and use sensible ones when dealing with family. Remember, just because an opinion comes your way doesn’t mean you have to take it. Always listen, but pick what benefits you and politely ignore what doesn’t. Even if the advice is unsolicited, you might find a useful thing or two once in a while. Life is a tricky journey and sometimes hearing out someone’s own experience with it helps us shape our road too!