30 Clever Responses to “Your Dog Is Cute” Compliment

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As a dog owner, I’ve heard “Your dog is cute” more times than I can count. It’s a lovely compliment, but sometimes I find myself wanting to respond with more than just a simple “thank you.” Apparently, I’m not alone in this desire.

Recently, I’ve received numerous emails from readers asking for creative ways to respond to this common compliment. Who knew such a straightforward comment could inspire so much curiosity?

Well, ask and you shall receive! I’ve compiled a list of 30 responses, ranging from polite to cute to downright sarcastic!

Polite Responses:

  1. “Thank you! We think so too.”
  2. “That’s so kind of you to say. Would you like to say hello to them?”
  3. “Thanks! Do you have any furry friends of your own?”
  4. “I appreciate that. He/She certainly brightens our days.”
  5. “Thank you! I’ll be sure to pass on the compliment.”
  6. “How sweet of you to notice. He/She loves meeting new people.”
  7. “Thanks! I’m quite fond of him/her myself.”
  8. “That’s lovely to hear. He/She has a great personality too.”
  9. “Thank you. It’s hard not to fall in love with that face, isn’t it?”
  10. “I’m glad you think so. He/She brings so much joy to our lives.”

Cute Responses:

  1. “Aww, hear that, buddy? You’ve got another fan!”
  2. “Thanks! I think the plastic surgery really paid off.”
  3. “Oh, don’t let him/her hear you say that. His/Her ego is big enough already!”
  4. “I know, right? I’m thinking of entering him/her in a cuteness contest.”
  5. “Thank you! I keep telling him/her, but I don’t think he/she believes me.”
  6. “Isn’t he/she just? I think I’ll keep him/her around.”
  7. “Thanks! He/She gets that from me, you know.”
  8. “Oh, you noticed? And here I thought I was the pretty one in this relationship.”
  9. “Shh, not so loud! All the other dogs will get jealous.”
  10. “Thanks! I’m just the personal assistant to this four-legged celebrity.”

Sarcastic Responses:

  1. “Really? I hadn’t noticed. Thanks for pointing that out!”
  2. “Well, they do say dogs look like their owners.”
  3. “Cute? This is a highly trained attack dog, I’ll have you know.”
  4. “Thanks, it’s the only reason I keep him/her around.”
  5. “I know, right? It’s how he/she gets away with destroying my furniture.”
  6. “Cute AND single.”
  7. “Of course he/she is. I only associate with attractive beings.”
  8. “Yeah, it keeps him/her out of trouble. Can’t say the same for myself.”
  9. “I’ve got good taste in bitches, what can I say?”
  10. “Everyone thinks the dog is cute, but do I get any compliments? Noooo…”


There you have it – 30 ways to respond to that ubiquitous “Your dog is cute” compliment. But remember, though, that sometimes a simple “Thank you!” is all you need.