Best Savage Comebacks for “Your mom”

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1. “She’s dead”

Using this response intends to shut down the joke by invoking a serious and somber tone.


This is self-explained and a joke on your account.

3. She was not impressed with your performance.

This is a sarcastic response to a “your mom” joke, suggesting that the person’s mother would not be impressed with their attempt at humor or even worse in bed.

4. Oh, you’re a milf hunter.

Oh, you’re a MILF hunter” implies that the person being referred to is attracted to or interested in older women who are mothers. It suggests that they prefer or actively seek out relationships or encounters with this specific demographic.

5. HEY! Let’s get off moms… I just got off yours!

This statement is a vulgar and disrespectful remark that is meant to be offensive towards someone’s mother. It aims to return the joke in a worse manner than you received it.

6. Your mum jokes are so old. Almost as old as your mum.

The sentence “Your mum jokes are so old. Almost as old as your mum” is a sarcastic remark that plays on the idea of “your mum” jokes being outdated and suggests that the person’s mother is also old.

7. I have 2 dads, how is this going to work out now?

In the context of the previous conversation, the reference to “your mom” jokes is not applicable if you have two dads.

8. I can’t say anything bad about your mom. Cows are sacred in my culture.

This implies that your opponent’s mother is a cow.

9. She’s disappointed in you.

The sentence “She’s disappointed in you” implies that someone, possibly a person’s mother, feels let down or dissatisfied with the actions or behavior of the individual being referred to.

10. Is glad she isn’t raising me like your mom raised you.

This implies that the speaker perceives the parenting skills or methods of the person’s mother as unfavorable or undesirable.

11. Such lack of originality exposes your stupidity.

The sentence “Such lack of originality exposes your stupidity” is a sarcastic remark that suggests the speaker believes the person they are addressing lacks creativity and intelligence.