Answering Parents’ “Where Did Your Money Go”?

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As a young adult, one of the most dreaded questions from parents is, ‘Where did your money go?’ It’s a question that can fill you with a sense of dread, guilt, and sometimes even defensiveness.

Truth is, our parents ask this not to make us feel bad, but out of genuine concern and a desire to understand our financial habits. After all, they’ve been there before, and they want to ensure we’re on the right track.

I’ll share some tips on how to handle this question with sincerity, honesty, and a willingness to learn. The responses are specifically formulated to lessen the potential for backlash or defensiveness from parents, as the goal is to have an open and productive conversation.

Answers might be little longer but that’s ok.

 15 examples of sincere responses that are designed to avoid defensive reactions

  1. “You’re right, I haven’t been as mindful of my spending as I should be. Let me walk you through my expenses, and I’m open to your advice.”
  2. “I appreciate your concern. Managing money is a learning process, and I’m still figuring it out. Can we sit down and discuss budgeting strategies?”
  3. “I understand your worry. I’ve been trying to be more responsible with my finances, but I’ve made some mistakes. I’m willing to make changes.”
  4. “You make a fair point. I’ve been indulging in some non-essential purchases. I’ll work on prioritizing my needs over wants.”
  5. “I don’t have a good excuse. I’ve been careless with my spending, but I’m committed to improving my money management skills.”
  6. “I’ve been struggling to balance my social life and saving money. I know I need to find a better equilibrium, and I’m open to your guidance.”
  7. “You’re right to question my spending habits. I’ve been overspending on [specific area], and I recognize that needs to change.”
  8. “I appreciate your concern for my financial well-being. Let’s sit down and review my budget together – an outside perspective would be helpful.”
  9. “I’ve been trying to save, but unexpected expenses [provide examples] have made it challenging. I’m open to your advice on how to handle these situations better.”
  10. “You’re correct that I need to be more mindful of where my money goes. Can we discuss strategies for tracking expenses and sticking to a budget?”
  11. “I know I’ve been overspending on [specific area], and I’m committed to cutting back. Your guidance on developing better habits would be invaluable.”
  12. “You’re right to point out my spending patterns. I’ve been prioritizing short-term gratification over long-term financial stability, and that needs to change.”
  13. “I appreciate your concern, and you’re right – I haven’t been as responsible with my money as I should be. Can we discuss setting some financial goals together?”
  14. “I don’t have a good justification for my spending habits. I’ve been careless, but I’m ready to take your advice and make positive changes.”
  15. “You make a fair point. I’ve been overspending on [specific area] without considering the long-term consequences. I’m open to your guidance on developing better financial discipline.”

By acknowledging the parents’ concerns, taking responsibility for missteps, and expressing a willingness to learn and improve, these responses aim to create an environment of understanding rather than confrontation.

A wise thing could be after acknowledging your wrong-doing to ask them for help, ask how and in what way they think you could be more responsible. But mean it, don’t do that just to get out of trouble.