25 Funny, Cute, or Natural Responses to “Awww” in a Message

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When I say “awww,” it’s like my heart is smiling. I use it when I see something super cute, like a fluffy kitten, or when my friend is sad and I want to give them a big hug. Sometimes I say it when something makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s a special word for when things are really sweet or when I want to show I care.

Grown-ups, kids, and even teenagers say “awww” when they see cute things or want to show they care. It’s like a special word we all know that means we’re feeling soft and nice about something. Sometimes you might hear it at school, at home, or even on TV shows when something sweet happens.

We can see that everywhere from TV shows to YouTube.

Now, reply to that should be funny or cute. It shouldn’t be complicated and it shouldn’t be sarcastic or malicious, unless “awww” itself is sarcastic.

I suggest to use one of these 25 funny, cute, or natural responses to “awww” with brief explanations:

  1. “I know, right? I’m adorable.”
    Playfully acknowledging your own cuteness.
  2. “Stop it, you’re making me blush!”
    Pretending to be embarrassed by the attention.
  3. “Is there something in your eye?”
    Jokingly implying they’re tearing up from cuteness.
  4. “Quick, take a picture! This level of cuteness doesn’t last!”
    Humorously exaggerating the moment’s specialness.
  5. “I can’t help it, I was born this way.”
    Playfully attributing your cuteness to genetics.
  6. “Careful, too much aww-ing can cause cavities.”
    Jokingly suggesting that cuteness can be as bad for teeth as sugar.
  7. “Did you just aww at me? How dare you!”
    Pretending to be offended by the cute reaction.
  8. “That’s my secret. I’m always aww-worthy.”
    A humorous reference to the Hulk, applied to cuteness.
  9. “I’m going to need you to fill out an aww report.”
    Treating the “aww” like it’s an official incident.
  10. “Oh no, am I leaking adorableness again?”
    Pretending cuteness is something that can leak out.
  11. “Just wait till you see my final form.”
    Implying you can become even cuter, like a Pokémon evolving.
  12. “Aww yourself, you big softie!”
    Turning the “aww” back on them affectionately.
  13. “I’m calling the cute police. This is getting out of hand.”
    Jokingly suggesting the cuteness is becoming illegal.
  14. “Keep it down, you’ll wake the neighbors with all that aww-ing.”
    Pretending the “aww” is loud enough to disturb others.
  15. “I eat awws for breakfast.”
    Playfully boasting about how often you hear “aww.”
  16. “Oh, you haven’t even seen my cute dance yet.”
    Hinting at more cuteness to come.
  17. “I’m allergic to awws. fake sneeze
    Pretending to have a silly allergy.
  18. “Aww-some, isn’t it?”
    Making a pun by combining “aww” and “awesome.”
  19. “I’ve been practicing my aww-face all week.”
    Jokingly implying cuteness takes practice.
  20. “Careful, I’m contagious. You might catch the cutes.”
    Playfully warning that cuteness can spread.
  21. “Thanks, I try my best to be aww-thentic.”
    Making a pun with “authentic” while acknowledging the compliment.
  22. “Oh stop, you’re making the other people jealous.”
    Jokingly implying everyone wants to be called cute.
  23. “I’m saving all these awws for a rainy day.”
    Pretending you can store up the cute reactions for later.
  24. “Aww-right, aww-right, that’s enough now.”
    Using wordplay to gently ask them to stop.
  25. “Keep that up, and I might just have to hug you.”
    Playfully warning of impending affection.

Responding to “awww” is all about embracing the moment and having a little fun. Whether you choose to be playful, witty, or heartwarming in your reply, remember that “awww” is often a genuine expression of affection or endearment.

Don’t be afraid to adapt these replies to fit your personality or the situation. The best responses often come naturally and reflect your unique sense of humor or charm. Next time someone “awww”s at you, feel free to try out one of these comebacks or let it inspire you to create your own.

A little bit of cuteness and humor can go a long way in brightening someone’s day – including your own!